Monthly Archives: November 2010

Change font for titles?

I need some WordPress-help… Anyone?

When I set this blog up earlier this fall I got myself an account over at Typekit Fonts as I thought it’d be fun to play around a bit with different fonts. I found Typekit Fonts a bit confusing and as WordPress was all new to me as well, I felt lost. I decided to do some trial and error and managed to change the title fonts for my posts and pages to a fun and whacky font. And when trying to delete it, and change it back to somehting normal, I stumbled. And then fell. I couldn’t do it. No matter how many undo’s I tried it didn’t change the fact that I had that font there.

I ended up deleting my account, hoping that would solve the problem. It didn’t. I still have that awful font for the title of my individual posts and pages (click on this link to see what I mean, in case you read this from my home page (where the titles look “normal”)).

Any ideas on how to get rid of that font? (I’m using the free version of WordPress and don’t host anyhting myself. If that makes a difference…)

Tre sekunder and my writing class

I have just finished reading the fifth book about Ewert Grens; Tre sekunder (or Three Seconds, as it’s called in its English translation), written by the two Swedish crime novelists Anders Roslund and Börge Hellström.

Now, what to say about it? The story is scary. But the whole novel is slooooow up until a certain point where the adrenaline just explodes and it gets intense for 100 pages or so.  Just to slow down again. I’ve read the four books prior to this one and I’ve enjoyed them all. The books all have different themes (trafficking, incest, death penalty, people living underground and now drugs and police informants) and as a reader I truly believe the research the authors have done. Even though many events seem unlikely and foreign, I believe Roslund&Hellström when they tell me they base their books on real people and real events.

But reading this fifth book of theirs wasn’t as enjoyable as reading the others. I hated the language in which they let sentences run on and on and on with commas instead of breaking them up with punctuation marks and capital letter. I found strange passages where people didn’t behave in a logical manner. One example is when a man opens an envelope and takes out five different objects. He places them in a row in front of him. He takes the first three objects and looks at them properly. Then makes a phone call. And waits for an answer. Then, and not earlier, he glances at the fourth object. He takes it up, realizes what it is and goes to check if it functions. This means leaving his office for a bit. Then, and not earlier, he looks at the fifth object and states what it is. He checks to see what information he can get from it. Now, this is not what people do. If one gets an envelope with five objects in it, one takes them out and states what they are before making phone calls and leaving your office to check one object’s functionality. Right?

And the whole book is written in third person but in two or three places the perspective changes and the characters starts to think of themselves as “I” in a way I find disturbing.

So, where the other four books like this when it comes to language and writing technicalities? I don’t know. I know I didn’t curse my way through the pages (as I partly did with Tre sekunder). But I haven’t taken them out from the bookselves to check. It could be that the other books are more properly written, but honestly I think it’s a result of me having another mindset. I read texts in another way now. I’ve always been a grammar police, but with my classes in Creative Writing, I’ve also started to pay more attention to perspective, to plots, to descriptions of people and the settings, and other foundation stones of fictional work.

Reading has become a different experience to me now. And I hope it means that I’m learning new things. Or at least that I’m bringing old knowledge back into the light.

I wonder how taking a photography class focused on visual communication will change the way I look at pictures?

Tuesday Special – Things that make me happy (5)

  1. Daytrips with my boyfriend
  2. Chocolate chip muffins with frosting on top
  3. Waking up early and realizing that I can go back to sleep for another couple of hours
  4. Filing things as “done” at work
  5. The length of my hair
  6. Playing pool (even though I suck at it)
  7. Go bowling (even though I suck at it)
  8. A great restaurant hamburger with cheese and bacon
  9. Speaking English
  10. Watching my cats playing with each other 

Random Friday nr2

I have a meeting out of town on Monday afternoon and it’s been decided that I’ll go there using public transportation. I wasn’t sure if bus or train would be the best choice as I’d have to walk the last leg of the journey (or get a cab, which I didn’t even consider until way later…). I called the company I’ll visit and asked the receptionist if she had any suggestions for me.

Within two minutes we had made arrangements for her, or the company’s janitor, to come pick me up at the train station and drive me to my meeting. I was flabbergasted. I’ve never met that kind of customer service from a Swedish company before.

My boyfriend and I will go to the movies and a dinner tonight. I’m cashing  in my Christmas gift from last year. We’re going to see Oceans (the longer non-US and Canadian version) and I’m really looking forward to it.

I’ve applied to my third Creative Writing-class, starting in January next year. I’m not sure I’ll take it though even if I get accepted (as I should be with the university credits I already have). I’m enjoying this second class way more than the first one as I find our assignments to be more challenging and focused, but I’ve felt behind all semester. I’ve handed in one of my assignments knowing I’d have to rework it to change a fail to pass as I didn’t have the time to make it proper to begin with. I’ve added sort of lame posts in our discussion forum as I haven’t read the material enough to discuss it in depth.

That’s one reason to not start the class if I get accepted. The third class will probably mean more reading and even more challenging assignments.

But, there’s also another reason. I’ve also applied to a photography class on visual communication. It’s offered as distant ed from the University of Jönköping. It’d be sooo fun to be challenged to use my camera in different ways as well as get to know more about pictures and images in general.

First round of acceptance letters will be sent out in a couple of weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes!

I finished reading a funny book the other day; Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann by Jonas Jonasson. (I don’t think it’s translated into English but the title means The hundred-year-old who climbed out the window and disappeared.) I laughed several times while reading this Swedish version of a Forrest Gump-story.

I can recommend it if you want to have fun!

Tuesday Special – Things that make me happy (4)

  1. A good book to read when the weather is shitty outside and I don’t want to leave the house
  2. Shitty weather outside when I have a good book to read and don’t want to leave the house
  3. Baking and have people enjoy what I’ve made
  4. Hearing Swahili on TV and being able understand a word here and there
  5. Putting money in my savings account
  6. Finishing crafty projects and liking the outcome
  7. Beautiful September and October days when the sky is clear blue, the sun shines and the air is crisp
  8. Travelling
  9. My birthday
  10. Fairtrade chocolate bars

Now, what makes you happy?

WIP – Snowbird mitten

I’ve started a pair of Snowbird mittens. Using Schoppel Wolle in dark grey and a bright green.

Start of a Snowbird mitten

I love the look of corrugated ribbing!

4 Things Meme

My knitting friend Anna over at garndrö set me up for a challenge as she wanted me to answer a meme about different things of four. Here goes:

4 TV-shows I watch
Grey’s Anatomy, The Event, the Swedish quiz show Vem vet mest? (Who knows the most?) and the sports news.

4 things I’ve done today (Or yesterday as I’m writing this the evening before I post it)
I cheated to and from work today as I used the car instead of walking or biking. I had chicken wok for  lunch. I worked on the fourth assignment for my writing class but didn’t finish it. I made a swatch for a pair of Snowbird Mittens.

4 things I’m looking forward to or longing for
Warmer temperatures and longer days (and November just began…). Having friends over for lunch this weekend. The knitting marathon that Fröken Garn houses in two weeks time. Finding the courage to battle quilting my big quilt.

4 things on my wish list
A week in a silent retreat. A dinner with Douglas Coupland so I can pick his brain for a bit. Enough vacation days and money to take me (and my boyfriend) abroad so I (we) can see family and friends. Getting tattooed by Stina at Eyescreamtattoo in Ystad.

4 things I hate/loathe/detest
Feeling inadequate. People using my ideas or my work without giving me credit. When I start crying from anger or frustration instead of being able to scream at whatever made me angry or frustrated. And of course; war and violence.

4 people I challenge with this meme
I’ll leave it open for anyone to grab…

Tuesday Special – Things that make me happy (3)

  1. Freshly baked bread in a store or bakery
  2. My all-time-favourite movie; The Princess Bride
  3. When I succeed in dressing appropriately for the weather
  4. Looking at pictures from trips I’ve taken
  5. Seeing my friends happy
  6. Resting my eyes on pictures of one of the most handsome men I know: Alexander Skarsgård
  7. Writing
  8. Lying on the couch with my cat Skorpan on my chest
  9. Brushing my teeth with my cat JumJum in my lap
  10. Tulips, lilies and orchids